The liver is a highly vital organ in the body. The liver has many important roles and functions, starting from processing nutritional substances to secretion of toxins from the body. The liver is a very big organ, and maintaining proper function is possible even if a big portion of its cells are not functioning. The liver has an ability of regenerating cells which were resected or destroyed. When the liver is damaged and stops functioning, a disturbance in toxin drainage to the bile ducts is generated and jaundice appears.
A. Primary Liver Cancer
Primary liver tumor is a tumor which arises from the hepatic cells themselves. These tumors are called Hepatocellular Carcinomas or HCCs. This is an uncommon tumor which starts in the liver cells and can occupy a major part of the liver during the course of the disease.
The conventional treatment of primary liver cancer is either surgical or by injection of chemotherapy directly into the hepatic arteries while blocking the arterial flow (chemoembolization). Only several chemotherapy agents are effective on these tumors, and recently a number of new biological drugs such as Sutent (Sunitinib), Nevaxar (Sorafenib) and Opdivo (Nivolumab) were added to this list. Furthermore, if tumor is not very big, it is possible to treat with concentrated radiation (Stereotactic radiations).
Alternative treatments recommended for patients with a primary liver tumor include:
– Losing excessive weight in obese patients
– Avoiding alcohol
– A sugar-free and low fat diet
– Recommended foods: soy and broccoli
– Green tea
– Special supplements for primary liver cancer: vitamins E & C, Lycopene, Ganoderma,
Conventional medications such as Statins, Beta-Blockers, NSAIDs, and Aspirin all have a positive effect on primary liver cancer.
B. Metastatic Liver Tumor
The liver is linked through the vascular system to almost all of the body’s organs. Tumors in different areas of the body create metastases through a process of infiltration by the tumor cells into the tumor’s own blood vessels. The cancer cells advance in the blood stream until they reach other organs and infiltrate the blood vessel walls again and settle in these organs where they create metastases.
The metastasis has a cellular structure which equals to its primary tumor of origin. Therefore, if a breast cancer tumor will send metastatic cells to colonized in the liver, the cells in the liver will look exactly the same as those inside the primary breast tumor.
The treatment of liver metastases will be exactly like the treatment used on the primary tumor it originated from. Sometimes, the metastasis is operable and can be respected. This is possible only if we are dealing with a small metastasis and a small number of metastases. A surgery for removing secondary tumors in the liver is common in cases of colon tumors. In other tumor types it is usually impossible.
The systemic treatment for metastases in the liver is done using drugs and means which are given to the primary tumor. Metastases originating from a primary breast cancer will be treated with medications against breast cancer, and treating liver metastases originating from a primary colon cancer will be treated with drugs aimed at treating colon cancer.
So are the natural cancer treatments. These treatments also match the type of cancer of which the metastases were formed.
C. Hyperthermia treatments for liver tumors
Since the liver is a vital organ, when metastases are found in it, it is recommended to treat it using hyperthermia to the liver area in order to slow down, stop and regress the metastases.
The treatment of primary hepatic tumors using hyperthermia is efficient in many cases.
Here is a case report of a patient with liver cancer that was treated in the “New Hope” medical center:
Malka (pseudonym) had liver cancer. In “Hadassah” medical center in Ein-Karem it was found that “her disease is too advanced, and they have no further treatments to offer her”
A CT scan has shown the presence of a 7 cm diameter liver tumor. The tumor marker in this kind of cancer is called alpha feto-protein (AFP). Her blood marker levels were 5,000 units (i.e. about 200 times the normal level which is around 30 units). Later on, an extra-hepatic tumor was also found, in the area of the pancreas. Malka was treated with hyperthermia, intravenous infusions of vitamins and minerals, diet, and dietary supplements. Within a few months’ time, her AFP marker levels decreased to 27 units (normal). A CT examination showed remission, and eventually- complete disappearance of the entire disease process from the liver and of the pancreatic metastasis. In a follow up which was done seven years later, Malka had no evidence of the disease in the liver or anywhere else.